"They Just Can't Get the Americans to Do It"

"They Just Can't Get the Americans to Do It"

President Johnson reports to Senator Spessard Holland (D-Dl) about an administration decision to approve a request from the Florida sugar industry to recruit foreign workers for the upcoming harvest season. Holland had supported the sugar growers' request. Johnson also indicated that the administration had not yet received an application for foreign workers from the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association, and that the citrus industry had not yet demonstrated a clear need for such workers. Holland protested that the industry "just can't get the Americans to do it." The conversation demonstrates the process by which extra agricultural workers were admitted to the United States during the early and mid-1960s.

Date:  Aug 18, 1965
Participants:  Lyndon Johnson, Spessard Holland
Conversation Number:  WH6508.05-8558

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