About this episode

September 24, 2017

Michael Schmidt and Matthew Rosenberg

No media organization has been more targeted by the current White House than what President Donald Trump calls “the failing New York Times.” At the same time, Hillary Clinton has published a new book saying the New York Times and other media are largely responsible for her narrow defeat in the 2016 election. Both ends of the political spectrum see serious media organizations as their biggest enemies. So how does a democracy thrive in an environment where fundamental facts are in dispute?  Our guests in this week’s episode are two New York Times reporters who have been at the center of this: Michael Schmidt, who wrote the first story about Clinton’s private email server, covers national security and law enforcement. Matthew Rosenberg covers intelligence and national security, including the firing of former FBI director James Comey and the investigation into contacts between Russia, the Trump White House, and associates of the president.

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The New Age of White House Investigative Reporting

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