Crucible: the first 365 days FDR's extraordinary start in office set the standard for all successors Read more Animate Background Off Featured Insights 'Watchdogs': Holding the government accountable Former Inspector General Glenn Fine's book illuminates how inspector general oversight seeks to make government more honest and accountable Is the American presidency built on empty promises? In his new book False Front, Kenneth Lowande argues that modern presidents intentionally put appearances ahead of governance Justice Stephen Breyer: 'Reading the Constitution' The 24th annual Henry J. Abraham Distinguished Lecture featured retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Stephen Breyer The hundred days myth Forget the hype—it’s the long run that matters Featured Publications Bridging the Constitutional Divide National War Powers Commission Report The Politics of Regulatory Change: A Tale of Two Agencies President’s Words: Speeches and Speechwriting in the Modern White House Topic Congress Elections Federalism Founding and Shaping of the Nation Leadership Political Parties and Movements Politics Supreme Court The Presidency Search Governance Leadership About Us Bringing together diverse stakeholders to make democracies more resilient and effective Leadership Convenings Leadership About the project Bringing together diverse stakeholders to make democracies more resilient and effective The Presidency Weaponizing the federal government has a long history Nixon's abuses of presidential power may pale beside Trump's The Conversation The Presidency Nixon’s lessons for Biden and today’s GOP As President Biden prepares for his State of the Union before a deeply divided Congress, what—if anything—can both branches learn from Nixon’s reelection success and second-term failure? The Hill Supreme Court George W. Bush’s Supreme Court nominations White House advisors reveal the strategy for selecting new justices Load More
Leadership About Us Bringing together diverse stakeholders to make democracies more resilient and effective
Leadership About the project Bringing together diverse stakeholders to make democracies more resilient and effective
The Presidency Weaponizing the federal government has a long history Nixon's abuses of presidential power may pale beside Trump's The Conversation
The Presidency Nixon’s lessons for Biden and today’s GOP As President Biden prepares for his State of the Union before a deeply divided Congress, what—if anything—can both branches learn from Nixon’s reelection success and second-term failure? The Hill
Supreme Court George W. Bush’s Supreme Court nominations White House advisors reveal the strategy for selecting new justices