1773 - 1841
William Harrison
…I too well understand the dangerous temptations to which I shall be exposed from the magnitude of the power which it has been the pleasure of the people to commit to my hands… Inaugural Address
William Henry Harrison served the shortest time of any American President—only thirty-two days. He also was the first President from the Whig Party. He had won his nickname, “Old Tip,” as the tough commanding general of American forces who defeated hostile Native Americans at the Battle of Tippecanoe in the Ohio River Valley in 1811.
Fast Facts
William Henry Harrison
Berkeley plantation, Charles City County, Virginia
Hampden-Sydney College
“Old Tippecanoe”; “Old Tip”
November 25, 1795, to Anna Tuthill Symmes (1775–1864)
Elizabeth Bassett (1796–1846), John Cleves Symmes (1798–1830), Lucy Singleton (1800–1826), William Henry (1802–1838), John Scott (1804–1878), Benjamin (1806-1840), Mary Symmes (1809–1842), Carter Bassett (1811–1839), Anna Tuthill (1813–1865), James Findlay (1814–1817)
William Henry Harrison Memorial State Park, North Bend, Ohio