U.S. Presidents / Warren G. Harding

Warren Harding

1865 - 1923

Warren G. Harding

Our most dangerous tendency is to expect too much of government, and at the same time do for it too little. We contemplate the immediate task of putting our public household in order. We need a rigid and yet sane economy, combined with fiscal justice… Inaugural Address


A conservative politician from Ohio, Warren G. Harding had few enemies because he rarely took a firm enough stand on an issue to make any. Who would have suspected that the man to succeed Woodrow Wilson, America's most visionary President, would be a man who saw the President's role as largely ceremonial?

Fast Facts

Warren Gamaliel
Corsica (now Blooming Grove), Ohio
Ohio Central College (graduated 1882)
July 8, 1891, to Florence Kling DeWolfe (1860–1924)
Harding Memorial, Marion, Ohio
Eugene P. Trani

Chicago Style

Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia. “Warren G. Harding.” Accessed February 03, 2025. https://millercenter.org/president/harding.

Professor of History

Eugene P. Trani

Dr. Trani is the former president of Virginia Commonwealth University.