Presidential Speeches

January 20, 1920: Americanism

About this speech

Warren G. Harding

January 20, 1920

Source Miller Center

Pathé Actuelle Recording # 021042 A (5:03)

Address Delivered before the Ohio Society of New York, Waldorf Hotel, New York City

The debate over whether the Senate should agree to the Treaty of Versailles with its provision for entry into the League of Nations continued through the fall of 1919 and early months of 1920. On January 10, 2910, Senator Harding spoke to the meeting of the Ohio Society of New York at the Waldorf Hotel in New York City. He cautioned that America should hesitate before surrendering its hard won nationality to the dream of the internationalists--the League of Nations--and to "think of America first." The Senate rejected the treaty by seven votes in March 1920.

This transcript is derived from an audio recording made by Harding after the event, and is an excerpt of his public speech.

(Transcription by Warren G. Harding, III)

Presidential Speeches |

January 20, 1920: Americanism

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