Biden Administration - Demographics


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Name Position White House Office Race/Ethnicity Gender Graduate degree Related Oral Histories
Erika Moritsugu AAPI Senior Liaison Office of the Chief of Staff Asian Female Yes
Erika Moritsugu AAPI Senior Liaison Office of the Chief of Staff Asian Female Yes
Remi Yamamoto Senior Advisor for Communications to the Chief of Staff Office of the Chief of Staff Asian Female No
Remi Yamamoto Senior Advisor for Communications to the Chief of Staff Office of the Chief of Staff Asian Female No
Gautam Raghavan Deputy Director Office of Presidential Personnel Asian Male No
Gautam Raghavan Deputy Director Office of Presidential Personnel Asian Male No
Jonathan Su Deputy Counsel Office of the White House Counsel Asian Male Yes
Jonathan Su Deputy Counsel Office of the White House Counsel Asian Male Yes
Maju Varghese Director White House Military Office Asian Male Yes
Maju Varghese Director White House Military Office Asian Male Yes
Vinay Reddy Director of Speechwriting Office of Communications Asian Male Yes
Vinay Reddy Director of Speechwriting Office of Communications Asian Male Yes
Mala Adiga Policy Director Office of the First Lady Asian Female Yes
Mala Adiga Policy Director Office of the First Lady Asian Female Yes
Ali Zaidi Deputy National Climate Advisor Office of Domestic Climate Policy Asian Male Yes
Ali Zaidi Deputy National Climate Advisor Office of Domestic Climate Policy Asian Male Yes
Sumona Guha Senior Director for South Asia National Security Council Asian Female Yes
Sumona Guha Senior Director for South Asia National Security Council Asian Female Yes
Katherine Tai United States Trade Representative Office Of The United States Trade Representative Asian Female Yes
Katherine Tai United States Trade Representative Office Of The United States Trade Representative Asian Female Yes
Rohini Kosoglu Domestic Policy Advisor to VP Office of the Vice President Asian Female Yes
Rohini Kosoglu Domestic Policy Advisor to VP Office of the Vice President Asian Female Yes
John Hsu Counsel to the Vice President Office of the Vice President Asian Male Yes
John Hsu Counsel to the Vice President Office of the Vice President Asian Male Yes