Lyndon B. Johnson

August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973
Lyndon B. Johnson headshot

Lyndon B. Johnson was a US representative [D-Texas] from April 1937 to January 1949; a US senator [D-Texas] from January 1949 to January 1961; Senate Majority Whip from January 1951 to January 1953; Senate Minority Leader from January 1953 to January 1955; Senate Majority Leader from January 1955 to January 1961; vice president of the United States from January 1961 to November 1963, and president of the United States from November 1963 to January 1969.

Appears in 152 Conversations
'Love and Prayers'
November 22, 1963
'A Regular Circus'
November 25, 1963
'I Would Be Honored to Do It'
November 29, 1963
'You Give Me Strength'
December 2, 1963
'We've Been Talking Enough'
December 9, 1963
'He’s for Grandma'
December 14, 1963
'Hot as a Firecracker'
January 10, 1964
'It's Poison'
January 15, 1964
'Can’t You Help Me'
January 23, 1964
'This Is What We Stand For'
January 28, 1964
'That Wasn’t Smart at All'
February 1, 1964
'You’re Mr. Poverty'
February 1, 1964
'I Think It’s Dynamite'
February 6, 1964
'Before It Goes to Hell'
February 19, 1964
'A Good B-Plus'
March 7, 1964
'It Is a Major Disaster'
March 28, 1964
'It’s a Mess'
May 27, 1964
'This Means Murder'
June 23, 1964
'We Found the Car'
June 23, 1964
'You Got Lots of Guts'
June 30, 1964
'Call the Families'
August 5, 1964
'I Do Not Believe I Can'
August 25, 1964
'A Better Way to Do It'
October 27, 1964
'I’m Aching All Over'
November 3, 1964
'I’m Just So Honored'
November 4, 1964
'He’d Have Been Beat'
November 4, 1964
'A Passion for Anonymity'
November 4, 1964
Better Days
November 5, 1964
'We Can Pass Medicare'
November 9, 1964
'A Model of Law Enforcement'
November 18, 1964
'OK, Go Ahead'
November 21, 1964
'It’ll Hurt Us'
November 23, 1964
'A Right to Vote'
January 15, 1965
'They Want Beauty'
February 5, 1965
'We Know Who They Are
March 26, 1965
'All These Harvard Men'
April 7, 1965
'Where Do You Stop'
June 8, 1965
'Unite Their Families'
July 23, 1965
'He Ought to Be Removed'
August 23, 1965
'We Need Your Help'
September 10, 1965
'He’s a Fool'
December 27, 1965
'The Architect of Surrender'
February 1, 1966
No 'One-Way Deal'
February 2, 1966
'He Is a Master Strategist'
February 21, 1966
'That Scares Me'
March 14, 1966
'A Wasteful Thing'
June 2, 1966
'It’s Just So Unfair'
December 5, 1966
'It’s for the Economy'
February 7, 1967
'I’d Go with Muskie'
August 29, 1968
The Chicago Seven
September 7, 1968
'This Is Treason'
November 2, 1968
'We’ve Been in Tears'
November 6, 1968
'You Go to That Conference'
November 8, 1968
'There’s No Arrangement'
November 14, 1968
'We’re Just So Fond of You'
December 25, 1968