
Guian McKee

White Burkett Miller Professor of Public Affairs

Guian McKee

White Burkett Miller Professor of Public Affairs

Fast Facts


Areas Of Expertise

  • Health
  • Law and Justice
  • Race and Racism
  • Social Issues
  • Economic Issues
  • The Presidency

Guian McKee is the White Burkett Miller Professor of Public Affairs at the Miller Center. He earned a PhD in American history at the University of California, Berkeley in May 2002 and is the author Hospital City, Health Care Nation: Race, Capital, and the Costs of American Health Care, published in March 2023 by the University of Pennsylvania Press, as well as The Problem of Jobs: Liberalism, Race, and Deindustrialization in Philadelphia, published in 2008 by the University of Chicago Press. At the Miller Center, McKee is co-chair of the Presidential Recordings Program and also co-directs the Health Care Policy Project.

McKee’s research focuses on how federal policy, especially in the executive branch, plays out at the local level in American communities. He has written extensively about urban policy, including a book (The Problem of Jobs) that explored the connections between local and federal economic, urban renewal, and antipoverty policies in Philadelphia between the 1950s and the 1980s. This project led to his work on the Lyndon Johnson White House recordings focused on the War on Poverty, as well as on the wider development of the Great Society.

His new book, Hospital City, Health Care Nation: Race, Capital, and the Costs of American Health Care, recasts the story of the U.S. health care system by emphasizing its economic, social, and medical importance in American communities. Focusing on urban hospitals and academic medical centers, the book argues that the country’s high level of health care spending has allowed such institutions to become vital, if often problematic, economic anchors for communities. Yet that spending has also constrained possibilities for comprehensive health care reform over many decades, even after the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. At the same time, the role of hospitals in urban renewal, in community health provision, and as employers of low-wage workers has contributed directly to racial health disparities.

Hospital City, Health Care Nation builds on McKee’s earlier work by connecting social, political, and economic developments in specific places (Baltimore provides a core case study for the book) with larger policy choices, especially those made by presidents (drawing on the Miller Center’s presidential oral histories). The book offers an alternative narrative of health care policy history – and of health care reform – by focusing on the consequences and importance of health care spending.

McKee has written about health care in a variety of venues, including a 2023 essay in The Hill about how state level cost control can reduce federal health spending without massive cuts to Medicare and Medicaid benefits.  In August 2022, he published an essay in the Washington Post on how the health care components of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act follow a pattern of significant but incremental change that has been typical of health policy development throughout U.S. history. An earlier op-ed explored how the Affordable Care Act built on conservative reform proposals from previous decades, leaving the Republicans with limited policy choices when they sought to repeal the Act in 2017. McKee’s work on health care also led to an essay on Lyndon Johnson and the passage of Medicare and Medicaid for the Miller Center’s First Year Project, for which he served as a co-editor of Volume 3 on Fiscal Policy and Volume 6 on Opportunity and Mobility.

As part of the Miller Center’s Presidential Recordings Program, McKee edited Volumes 6 and 7 of The Presidential Recordings of Lyndon B. Johnson. These volumes cover the period from mid-April to mid-June 1964, during which the Johnson administration lobbied for passage of the Civil Rights and Economic Opportunity Acts and struggled with increasing difficulties in Southeast Asia. He is also the editor of two thematic volumes that include all of Johnson’s recorded conversations about the War on Poverty, and co-editor of a two-volume series covering the election of 1964. These projects are published digitally by the University of Virginia Press through its Rotunda electronic imprint.

McKee has published articles in the Journal of Urban HistoryJournal of Policy HistoryJournal of Planning History, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Community Development Investment Center, the Washington PostThe Hill, the Boston GlobeUSA Today, and U.S. News and World Report. In 2007, he delivered the keynote address at the conference "In the Shadow of the Great Society: American Politics, Culture and Society Since 1964," hosted by the Rothermere American Institute and the American History Research Seminar, University of Oxford, UK.


Guian McKee News Feed

Carter’s willingness to tackle the politically perilous task of trying to rein in health care costs offers a template for the kind of leadership and focus needed to address the health care system’s enduring flaws in 2024.
Guian McKee TIME
Last Friday afternoon (February 7), the fear of cuts seemed to be realized when the office of the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a reduction in the rate of indirect cost reimbursement on current and future grants to 15 percent.
Guian McKee Miller Center Health Care Highlights
The Miller Center Studies on the Presidency —edited by White Burkett Miller Professor of Public Affairs Guian A. McKee and Gerald L. Baliles Professor of Presidential Studies Marc J. Selverstone—advances innovative scholarship on the American presidency by asking timeless and novel questions about the institution and its role in a constitutional democracy.
Guian McKee, Marc Selverstone UVA Press
The coming weeks will provide ample opportunity for detailed analysis of exit polls and returns, but two things seem clear on this morning after the election: First, the education divide and unhappiness about the economy likely drove Harris’s loss; second, those two factors are deeply related.
Guian McKee Miller Center Election 2024 Blog
A week before this year’s historic presidential election, join experts at the Miller Center for a wide-ranging conversation on the state of the race. What happened in previous elections—with one week to go—and what are the key dates and democratic processes that will take place after November 5, 2024?
Guian McKee, Ron Christie, William Antholis Miller Center Presents
Hope for a resolution, however, might be found in the 1964 strike. In that case, the president (and his opponent) avoided deep involvement, despite serious economic stakes, and the parties involved reached a settlement prior to the election.
Guian McKee Miller Center Election 2024 Blog