
WikiLeaks and the Toppling of Middle Eastern Dictators: A Winter of Global Surprises

American Forum

WikiLeaks and the Toppling of Middle Eastern Dictators: A Winter of Global Surprises

David E Sanger

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
7:00AM - 8:00AM (EDT)
Event Details

DAVID SANGER is chief Washington correspondent and a senior writer for The New York Times. In a 28-year career at the paper, he has reported from New York, Tokyo, and Washington, specializing in foreign policy, national security, and the politics of globalization. Sanger is also the author of "The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power," based on his seven years as the Times’ White House correspondent. During that time, he covered two wars; confrontations with Iran, North Korea and other rogue states; and America’s efforts to deal with the rise of China. Sanger has been a member of Times reporting teams that won the Pulitzer Prize twice. In 2010, he was instrumental in selecting and reporting on the stories published by the Times on the classified documents released by WikiLeaks. In 2010, Sanger was also appointed adjunct professor of public policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, where he is also a non-resident visiting scholar. Sanger appears regularly on public affairs and news shows.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
7:00AM - 8:00AM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Image of David E. Sanger

David E Sanger