About this recording THOMAS MANN May 14, 1965 Thomas C. Mann American Defense and Security Jobs and Economy Latin America and the Caribbean Media and the Press Citation Number: 7663 LBJ DISCUSSES NEED FOR CONTINGENCY PLANS, NEW IDEAS, FOR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IF TALKS WITH JUAN BOSCH FAIL; POSSIBLE NEED TO MOVE MILITARY FORCES NORTH OF SANTO DOMINGO; WORSENING ECONOMIC SITUATION THERE; PRESS LEAK AT OAS; CHRONOLOGY OF OAS ACTION Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with THOMAS MANN, May 14, 1965 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with ABE FORTAS, May 15, 1965 Next Conversation with GEORGE BALL, May 15, 1965 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with GEORGE BALL, May 15, 1965 audio icon Conversation with BROMLEY SMITH, May 15, 1965 audio icon Conversation with CYRUS VANCE and ABE FORTAS, May 17, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS and JACK VALENTI, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, SIGNAL CORPS OPERATOR and TELEPHONE OPERATOR, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY, TELEPHONE OPERATORS and ABE FORTAS, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY, OFFICE CONVERSATION and ABE FORTAS, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY and ABE FORTAS, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY, OFFICE CONVERSATION and ABE FORTAS, May 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with CYRUS VANCE and ABE FORTAS, May 17, 1965 audio icon