About this recording WALTER REUTHER OFFICE SECRETARY August 11, 1965 Office Secretary Walter P. Reuther American Defense and Security Congress Education Europe Health Human Rights and Civil Rights Trade Citation Number: 8532 LBJ ASKS FOR REUTHER'S HELP ON BEAUTIFICATION BILL; ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEETING WITH LBJ; REUTHER REPORTS ON HIS RECENT MEETING WITH WORLD TRADE UNION CONGRESS ON VIETNAM, CONGRATULATES LBJ ON APPOINTMENTS OF ABE FORTAS, ARTHUR GOLDBERG, JOHN GARDNER Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with WALTER REUTHER and OFFICE SECRETARY, August 11, 1965 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous MACHINE NOISE, August 11, 1965 Next Conversation with I. W. ABEL, August 14, 1965 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with I. W. ABEL, August 14, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JACK VALENTI and JOSEPH CALIFANO, August 14, 1965 audio icon Conversation with I. W. ABEL, August 14, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOSEPH CALIFANO and OFFICE CONVERSATION, August 15, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JACK VALENTI and JOSEPH CALIFANO, August 14, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOSEPH CALIFANO and OFFICE CONVERSATION, August 15, 1965 audio icon Conversation with WILLARD WIRTZ, August 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, August 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with WILLARD WIRTZ, August 16, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, August 16, 1965 audio icon