About this recording EVERETT DIRKSEN October 5, 1965 Everett M. Dirksen The Presidency Citation Number: 9013 LBJ REPORTS THAT HE WILL HAVE GALL BLADDER SURGERY ON 10/8/1965 AND HAS BRIEFED HHH ON SITUATION; DIRKSEN RESPONDS THAT HIS PRAYERS ARE WITH LBJ Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN, October 5, 1965 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with OFFICE CONVERSATION Next Conversation with FRANK THOMPSON, October 6, 1965 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with FRANK THOMPSON, October 6, 1965 audio icon Conversation with RUSSELL LONG, October 6, 1965 audio icon Conversation with THOMAS THOMPSON, JACK VALENTI? and SIGNAL CORPS OPERATORS, October 7, 1965 audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR and SIGNAL CORPS OPERATOR, October 20, 1965 audio icon Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN, UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE and UNIDENTIFIED MALE, October 21, 1965 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, October 22, 1965 audio icon Conversation with HALE BOGGS, YOLANDA BOOZER, TELEPHONE OPERATOR and GERALD FORD, October 23, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ARTHUR GOLDBERG, October 22, 1965 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA, October 22, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOHN MCCLELLAN and OFFICE CONVERSATION, October 22, 1965 audio icon