About this recording MURIEL HUMPHREY February 11, 1966 Muriel Humphrey American Defense and Security Asia Citation Number: 9634 MURIEL HUMPHREY EXPRESSES HER SUPPORT OF LBJ; LBJ TELLS HER ABOUT FAVORABLE REPORTS HE RECEIVED FROM JACK VALENTI, MCGEORGE BUNDY ABOUT HHH'S TRIP; MRS. HUMPHREY OFFERS TO JOIN HHH AFTER SAIGON STOP IF SHE CAN BE OF HELP Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with MURIEL HUMPHREY, February 11, 1966 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with U. ALEXIS JOHNSON, February 11, 1966 Next Conversation with EUGENE BLACK, February 12, 1966 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with EUGENE BLACK, February 12, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, February 14, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT JONES, February 14, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, February 14, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABRAHAM RIBICOFF and OFFICE SECRETARY, February 14, 1966 audio icon Conversation with LIZ CARPENTER, February 15, 1966 audio icon Conversation with MCGEORGE BUNDY, OFFICE SECRETARY, SIGNAL CORPS OPERATOR and OFFICE CONVERSATION, February 15, 1966 audio icon Conversation with WH SITUATION ROOM, February 15, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ORVILLE FREEMAN, OFFICE CONVERSATION and BILL MOYERS, February 16, 1966 audio icon Conversation with RUSSELL LONG, February 18, 1966 audio icon