About this recording SARGENT SHRIVER August 27, 1966 R. Sargent Shriver Human Rights and Civil Rights Media and the Press Citation Number: 10649 SHRIVER WISHES LBJ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRAISES MERRIMAN SMITH INTERVIEW WITH LBJ; SHRIVER'S TRIP TO GI FORUM CONVENTION IN LA; LBJ DISCUSSES NEED TO APPOINT HISPANICS; EEOC VACANCY; LBJ'S TRIP YESTERDAY; SHRIVER PRAISES LADY BIRD JOHNSON Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with SARGENT SHRIVER, August 28, 1966 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA, August 28, 1966 Next Conversation with ABE FORTAS, LADY BIRD JOHNSON, MARIE FEHMER, GEORGE CHRISTIAN and OFFICE CONVERSATION, August 29, 1966 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with ABE FORTAS, LADY BIRD JOHNSON, MARIE FEHMER, GEORGE CHRISTIAN and OFFICE CONVERSATION, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, LADY BIRD JOHNSON, MARIE FEHMER, GEORGE CHRISTIAN and BILL MOYERS, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with LADY BIRD JOHNSON, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS and UNIDENTIFIED MALE, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with SARAH HUGHES, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with JUANITA ROBERTS and LADY BIRD JOHNSON, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, LADY BIRD JOHNSON, MARIE FEHMER, GEORGE CHRISTIAN and OFFICE CONVERSATION, August 29, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, August 29, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, August 29, 1966 audio icon Conversation with TELEPHONE OPERATOR audio icon