About this recording RAMSEY CLARK YOLANDA BOOZER UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE January 27, 1967 Yolanda Boozer Unidentified Female W. Ramsey Clark American Defense and Security Europe Law and Justice Citation Number: 11412 CLARK REPORTS ON TALKS WITH MEMBERS OF SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE ON QUESTION OF J. EDGAR HOOVER TESTIFYING ON CONSULAR CONVENTION; LBJ SUGGESTS CLARK TESTIFY; CLARK GIVES LBJ UPDATE ON BOBBY BAKER TRIAL; STRONG POINTS OF GOVT CASE Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, YOLANDA BOOZER and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, January 27, 1967 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous MACHINE NOISE, January 26, 1967 Next Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, January 29, 1967 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, January 29, 1967 audio icon Conversation with HARRY TRUMAN, January 29, 1967 audio icon Conversation with WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, January 29, 1967 audio icon Conversation with RAMSEY CLARK, January 29, 1967 audio icon Conversation with JOE EVINS, February 2, 1967 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, February 2, 1967 audio icon Conversation with JACK VAUGHN, February 3, 1967 audio icon Conversation with BRYCE HARLOW, February 2, 1967 audio icon Conversation with HENRY FOWLER, February 2, 1967 audio icon Conversation with B. K. NEHRU, OFFICE NOISE and OFFICE CONVERSATION, February 2, 1967 audio icon