Date: February 1, 1973
Time: 4:08 pm - 6:05 pm
Location: Executive Office Building
The President met with Edward R. G. Heath, Burke Trend and George P. Shultz.
[This recording continues conversation 406-56.]
-Arthur F. Burns [?]
-Soviet Union [?]
-Anthony Barber [?]
-Paul A. Volcker [?]
-Secretary of Treasury
-Possible trip
-“Laundry list”
-Inaugural address
-State of the Union address
-George Washington [?]
-Thomas Jefferson
-[Thomas] Woodrow Wilson
-Agricultural lobby
-Trade deal
-Portion of population
-Portion in Congress
-Problem for Great Britain
-Portion of population
-Agricultural workers
Economic issues
-J. Willard (“Bill”) Marriott, Jr.
-January 1973 figures
-Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]
-1972 election
-George S. McGovern’s use of issue
-Men [?]
-Fluctuating employment
-Welfare and unemployment