Date: November 5, 1971
Time: 10:33 am - 10:59 am
Location: Oval Office
Stephen B. Bull met with Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Charles R. Jonas, Charles C. Campbell, Earl
Yarborough, James Anderson, Michael Arnett, Lupe Barrientes, Deborah Boykin, Keith Franz,
Ronda Gill, Arthur Gillmore, Rosetta Gonzales, Kevin Hall, Gerald Hart, James Kamner, Karl
Kranz, Paul McDowell, Phillip Mann, Linda Martin, Margaret Pietuszka, Dimitri Rotow, Linda
Saathoff, Antoinette Thornton and Scott W. Tschirgi; the White House photographer and
members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting.
Arrangements for tour
The President entered at an unknown time after 10:33 am.
[General conversation]
[Photograph session]
The President's first election, November 5, 1946
-The President’s age
-Political career
Press and media
-Vietnam War
-Social gaps
-Generation, race
The President's foreign policy
-Efforts for peace
-Trips to People's Republic of China [PRC] and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
-Environment, race relations, education, health
-The President's meeting with Indira Gandhi, November 4, 1971
-United States aid to India
-The President's meeting with Kofi A. Busia, November 4, 1971
-US aid to Ghana
-Efforts needed for peace
-Substitution for war
-Julie Nixon Eisenhower
-Lack of negativism
Process for change
-Future political careers
-Press accounts
-The President’s political career
-Presidency of student body
-Whittier High School
-Whittier College
-Duke University
-Unknown Baltimore Colt [John C. (“Johnny”) Unitas]
-Paul W. (“Bear”) Bryant
-The President's conversation with Walter E. Washington
-George E. Allen
-Washington Redskins
-Alben W. Barkley
The President's offices
-Forthcoming tour for youth group
-The President's forthcoming meeting with Gandhi
-Old Executive Office Building [EOB]
-The President's meeting with Andrei A. Gromyko
Music Box
Julie Eisenhower
[General conversation]
Gifts for visitors
[General conversation]
-Robert H. Finch and Donald H. Rumsfeld
-The President's schedule
-Unknown organization