Date: July 28, 1972
Time: Unknown between 9:40 am and 10:00 am
Location: Oval Office
The President met with H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman and Alexander P. Butterfield.
Butterfield left at an unknown time before 9:44 am.
The President's schedule
-[Antonio D. Neto]
-Jack D. Maltester
-David J. Mahoney, Jr.
-Signing ceremony for Federal Crop Insurance Act
-Future Farmers of America [FFA]
-Call to Michael J. Mansfield, July 27, 1972
-Allen J. Ellender's funeral
-Memorial service
-Effect of the President’s attendance
-Richard B. Russell's funeral
-Trip to South
Henry A. Kissinger entered at 9:44 am.
The President's schedule
-Ellender's funeral
-Effect of the President’s attendance
-Forthcoming call to Mansfield's office
-The President’s plane
-Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon
-The President’s plane
-Campaign staff
-[Thomas] Hale Boggs, F. Edward Hebert
-Russell B. Long, Mansfield
-Otto E. Passman
-The President's itinerary
-Ronald L. Ziegler's forthcoming announcement
-[Carl B. Albert]
-The President’s plane
Tape Subject Log
(rev. Mar-02)
-Louisiana delegation
-Joe D. Waggonner, Jr.
Kissinger's schedule
Haldeman left at an unknown time before 10:00 am.
Kissinger's schedule
-Sir Burke Trend
-Meeting at British Embassy
-W[illiam] Averell Harriman
-Meeting with the President
-George R.S. Baring [Earl of Cromer]
-Call to Kissinger, July 27, 1972
-Joseph C. Kraft
-Trip to Hanoi
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Joseph W. Alsop
-Conversation with Kissinger, July 27, 1972
-George S. McGovern
-Compared to Thomas F. Eagleton
-Treatment at Democratic National Convention
-Haldeman’s view
-Views about Europe, Greece
-The President’s recent press conference, July 27, 1972
-The President’s recent press conference
-Press coverage
-Effect of Congress
-Kissinger’s comments
-Effect of Congress
Tape Subject Log
(rev. Mar-02)
-Resumption of talks
-Effect of Congress and [McGovern]
-1972 election
-North Vietnamese
-Forthcoming press conference
-The President’s recent press conference
-Kissinger's conversation with Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., Ted Stevens, Marlow
W. Cook
-Cook, Charles H. Percy, and Stevens
-Reelection prospects
-Kissinger's conversation with Cook
-The President's recent press conference
-The President’s recent conversation with Albert
-Alexander M. Haig, Jr.
-Kissinger’s efforts
-Political settlement
-US military efforts
-Timing of vote in Congress
-1972 election
-Views of Boggs and Albert
-Timing of vote in Congress
-Disclosure of record
-Ellender funeral
-William E. Timmons
-Kissinger’s schedule