The President met with William J. (“Jack”) Edwards, Oliver Delchamps, Jr., A. A. Wood,
William J. Hearin, Jr., Albert Weiskopf, and Richard K. Cook. The White House photographer
was present at the beginning of the meeting.
Tennessee Tombigbee River project
-Commemorative coins
-Claude Whistler
-Budget deficit
-Map of river system
-Pride in President
-Chamber of commerce
-Delchamps’s business
-President’s visit
-George C. Wallace
-Last meeting with President
-Governors’ dinner
-Lieutenant governor
Southern republicans
-John C. Stennis
-Trent Lott
-President's calls during convalescence
-Recovery from wounds
Southern Congress members
-Support for national security issue, Vietnam
-Prisoners of war [POWs]
-Support for President's policies
-Sense of pride
-Capt. Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr.