About this recording 939–1 President Richard M. Nixon Stephen B. Bull UNKNOWN June 13, 1973 Stephen B. Bull Unknown Richard M. Nixon Jobs and Economy Conversation No. 939-1 Date: June 13, 1973 Time: Unknown between 9:10 am and 9:22 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Stephen Bull. Discontinuities appear in the original recording. President’s schedule -Ronald L. Ziegler -Diplomatic credentials ceremony An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 9:10 am. President’s schedule -Ziegler The unknown man left at an unknown time before 9:22 am. President’s schedule -Forthcoming speech on the economy [?] -Diplomatic credentials ceremony -Number -India -Announcement -Ziegler -California -Diplomatic credentials ceremony -Trip to Illinois -Diplomatic credentials ceremony -Time -Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon -Trip to Illinois -Air Force One passengers -Howard H. Baker, Jr. -Thomas C. Korologos -2- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. December-2011) Conversation No. 939-1 (cont’d) -Melvin R. Laird -Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -Laird -Haig -Congressmen and guests -Plane -Baker -Key Biscayne -Timetable -Pekin, Illinois -Louella (Carver) Dirksen -Mother [Lillie Carver] -Florida -Haig, Ziegler An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 9:10 am. President’s schedule -Haig -Ziegler’s schedule -Leonard Garment, J. Fred Buzhard, Jr. -Haig Bull and the unknown man left. Secret White House Tapes | Richard M. Nixon Presidency 939–1 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous 938–9 Next 446–1 More Richard M. Nixon Recordings View all Richard M. Nixon tapes 446–1 audio icon 941–1 audio icon 940–1 audio icon 446–10 audio icon 940–10 audio icon 40–104 audio icon 40–105 audio icon 40–106 audio icon 40–107 audio icon 40–108 audio icon