A blueprint for presidential leadership

A blueprint for presidential leadership

The Miller Center has released A Blueprint for Presidential Leadershipa report offering the president seven bold ideas to alter the trajectory in transportation policy. The recommendations contained in the report were crafted based on discussions that took place during the 2013 David R. Goode National Transportation Policy conference.

That conference, also titled “A Blueprint for Presidential Leadership,” was held on April 29, 2013 in Washington. It convened policymakers, scholars, and leaders of business and industry to examine the role of the president in articulating and advocating a national transportation vision. Sessions focused on whether or not comprehensive change is possible without presidential leadership, the prospects for policy reform in today’s political environment, successes and challenges faced by past presidents, and pathways for progress in President Obama’s second term.

The conference featured two academic sessions, a three-hour special oral history featuring six former U.S. Transportation Secretaries—Jim Burnley, Sam Skinner, Andrew Card, Rodney Slater, Norman Mineta, and Mary Peters—and a keynote conversation with Jim Oberstar, former member of Congress and former chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Gerald L. Baliles, then the Miller Center’s Director and CEO and a former Governor of Virginia.

Since 2009, the Goode Conference has devoted significant time and attention to developing practical, bipartisan solutions to our country’s transportation and infrastructure needs.