Secret White House Tapes

Meeting with Representative Frances Bolton and James C. Hagerty—January 19, 1955

About this recording

  • Frances Bolton
  • James C. Hagerty
January 19, 1955
Recording begins after conversation had already begun. Eisenhower and Bolton mention
Ray Bliss =d Ohio. DDE speaks of Bolton's seniority in Congress and discusses Mrs.
Oveta Cull) Hobby's plan for education. DDE says the plan addresses what the federal
government should do while it "abstains from trying to take over education in any direct
or indirect way."
Bolton expresses her interest in educational matters and her desire to work in Ohio in that
field. She waits to see "ifthe schools can't take over some ofthe responsibilities for
discipline that the families are not taking ." DDE and Bolton discuss the need for
American youth to have discipline . Bolton suggests a universal training program to help
youth prepare for the future . DDE talks about establishing a system that is careful not to
generate resertment of the system. He states that "the obligation ofthe government to
train its citizens is as great as the citizens to perform his obligations to the country."
Bolton talks at length about how difficult it is for her to talk directly with Mrs. Hobby
about her proposed legislation. Bolton complains that she has talked only with Mrs.
Hobby's "peolle." She is especially critical of Lucille Petry, the Public Health Nurse.
DDE states that Mrs. Hobby wants much the same type oflegislation that Bolton is
describing . Bolton again complains that she has had to deal with Mrs. Hobby's "liaison."
DDE states that the Congressional committees and the Departments should work
together to solve their differences. DDE states "I don't like it myself to write down and
put my name pit the bottom of the details. I don't know enough about the details"
There is alengthy discussion of school funding, nurses training, the White House
Conference; on Education, and the Kestnbaum Committee. Bolton criticizes Petry and
Hobby in tlse area of nurses training. She then reads a message to DDE that commends
his personal qaalities and his leadership skills . Bolton departs.
Press Secretary James Hagerty enters . DDE asks about the situation with the offshore
islands. Hagerty has nothing new to report and makes reference to a press conference at
10:30. The captured airmen and the Communist Chinese are discussed. DDE states that
he is "responsible under the Constitution for carrying out the foreign affairs ofthe United
States ." They then talk about Latin America, specifically Panama, Cost Rica and
The door slams and indistinct voices can be heard. The tape ends.
Secret White House Tapes |

Meeting with Representative Frances Bolton and James C. Hagerty—January 19, 1955
