Session Two: Regulatory Approaches to Climate Governance
Ian Rowlands, Pietro S Nivola, Judith Layzer, Daniel Fiorino, Professor Brian Balogh, Marc Landy
8:30AM (EST)
Event Details
1:30 – 3:15 p.m.
Many policy options could achieve reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, including those that impose firm governmental regulations on various sectors of the economy. In some instances, these policies already exist either nationally or sub-nationally but may well be expanded in the coming years. This session emphasized regulatory options in the transportation and electricity sectors. It also considered the question of adaptation and whether there are viable governance strategies to confront climate changes already occurring and those anticipated in the future.
Brian Balogh, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia
Pietro Nivola, Brookings Institution – The Long and Winding Road: Automotive Fuel Economy and American Politics. Download Powerpoint Presentation.
Ian Rowlands, University of Waterloo – Regulating Renewable Electricity: From Portfolio Standards to Feed-in-Tariffs. Download Powerpoint Presentation.
Marc Landy, Boston College – Adaptation vs. Mitigation Strategies
Judith Layzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Fiorino, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The National Conference on Climate Governance was made possible by grants from WestWind Foundation; Muhlenberg College; the Center for Local, State and Urban Policy at the University of Michigan's Gerald Ford School of Public Policy; Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation; Altria Group, Inc.; and an anonymous Charlottesville foundation.
8:30AM (EST)
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ian Rowlands
Pietro S Nivola
Judith Layzer
Daniel Fiorino

Professor Brian Balogh

Marc Landy