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Meetings: Tape 88. President's Commission on Equal Opportunity in Housing/Birmingham, 21 May 1963
Sound recording of a meeting held on May 21, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission John Macy, and the following members of the President’s Committee on Equal Opportunity in Housing: Chief Benefits Director for the Veterans Administration’s Department of Veterans Benefits Cyril F. Brickfield, Philip Brownstein of Farmers Home Administration, Jack Conway of the Industrial Union Department of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), John Dervan of the Veteran’s Administration, Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon, Deputy Administrator of Veterans Affairs for the Veterans Administration William Driver, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, Administrator of Veterans Affairs for the Veteran’s Administration John S. Gleason, Floyd Micree of Farmers Home Administration, Theodore Jones of the Supreme Life Insurance Co; Advisor Ferdinand Kramer, Joseph McMurray of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Cyril Magnin, Assistant Attorney General from the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division Burke Marshall, Associate Deputy Administrator of Veterans Affairs for the Veterans Administration A.H. Monk, John Nolan from the Department of Justice, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense John J. Reed, Joseph Robertson from the Department of Agriculture, Advisor Roland Sawyer, William Seabron from the Department of Agriculture, Milton Semer from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Simon Trevas from the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Robert Weaver from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Advisor Lewis Weinstein, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury Robert A. Wallace, and Special Assistant to the President David L. Lawrence. The meeting centers on Robert Kennedy and John Macy’s report to the President’s Commission on Equal Opportunity in Housing and to the President. The report concerned civil rights issues in Birmingham, Alabama, and federal involvement in the area. Mr. Macy also reports in detail the number of minority federal employees in the Alabama area, and there is discussion of how to increase this number. Please note that the recording of this meeting was previously made available in the Civil Rights 1963 release in the 1980s. This sound recording has been excerpted from Tape 88, which contains additional sound recording(s) preceding this one. See Related Records to access Tape 88 in its entirety.
Secret White House Tapes |
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