Secret White House Tapes

Meetings: Tape 104/A40. Orville Freeman, 15 August 1963

About this recording

Meetings: Tape 104/A40. Orville Freeman, 15 August 1963
Sound recording of part of a meeting held on August 15, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy and Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman. Secretary Freeman recently returned from a trip to learn more about Eastern European agriculture. The recording of this meeting ends abruptly and continues on the next tape, Tape 106. Due to a misnumbering on the original tapes, there is no Tape 105. This sound recording has been excerpted from Tape 104, which contains additional sound recording(s) preceding this one. See Related Records to access Tape 104 in its entirety or the remainder of this recording on Tape 106.
Secret White House Tapes |

Meetings: Tape 104/A40. Orville Freeman, 15 August 1963

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