Secret White House Tapes

Meetings: Tape 114/A49. Meeting with Emperor Haile Selassie, 1 October 1963

About this recording

Meetings: Tape 114/A49. Meeting with Emperor Haile Selassie, 1 October 1963
Sound recording of a meeting held on October 1, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, United States Ambassador to Ethiopia Edward Korry, and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs G. Mennen Williams. They discuss relations between the United States and Ethiopia and arms sales. Emperor Selassie’s side of conversation is inaudible. This sound recording has been excerpted from Tape 114/A49, which contains additional sound recording(s) preceding and following this one. See Related Records to access Tape 114/A49 in its entirety.
Secret White House Tapes |

Meetings: Tape 114/A49. Meeting with Emperor Haile Selassie, 1 October 1963

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