Secret White House Tapes

Meetings: Tape 118/A54. Meeting on Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco, 28 October 1963

About this recording

Meetings: Tape 118/A54. Meeting on Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco, 28 October 1963
Sound recording of a meeting about Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco, held on October 28, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy, Under Secretary of State George Ball, National Security Council (NSC) member Robert Komer, and Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy. They discuss a border war and the movement of forces and material. They also discuss Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, the United Nations (UN), economic and military aid, Ethiopia, food sales, Spain, Secretary General of the UN U Thant, and cables. Two segments of the recording totaling 6 seconds have been removed in accordance with Section 3.4 (b) (1), (3) of Executive Order 13526. This sound recording has been excerpted from Tape 118/A54, which contains additional sound recording(s) following this one. See Related Records to access Tape 118/A54 in its entirety.
Secret White House Tapes |

Meetings: Tape 118/A54. Meeting on Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco, 28 October 1963

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