
The pandemic and great power competition

Chinese-US flags with test tube in gloved hand

The pandemic and great power competition

Kurt Campbell, Zhu Feng, John M. Owen IV, Todd Sechser, Jessica Chen Weiss

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
11:00AM - 12:00PM (EDT)
Event Details

How has the COVID-19 crisis affected the emerging rivalry between the United States and China? Has the pandemic sharpened great power competition, or highlighted the need for mutual cooperation?

Miller Center experts Todd Sechser and John Owen join former assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell, Nanjing University China expert Zhu Feng, and and Cornell University China scholar Jessica Chen Weiss to consider how the international order has been reshuffled by the pandemic, and who could emerge in a stronger position once the crisis subsides.

This event is co-sponsored by the UVA Democracy Initiative’s Statecraft Lab.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
11:00AM - 12:00PM (EDT)
Kurt Campbell headshot

Kurt Campbell

Kurt M. Campbell is chairman and chief executive officer of The Asia Group, LLC, a strategic advisory and capital management group specializing in the dynamic Asia Pacific region. He also serves as chairman of the board of the Center for a New American Security, as a non-resident fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center, and as vice chairman of the East-West Center in Hawaii. From 2009 to 2013, he served as the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, where he is widely credited as being a key architect of the “pivot to Asia.”

Zhu Feng headshot

Zhu Feng

Zhu Feng is executive director of the China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea and a Professor of International Relations at Nanjing University. He was formerly Deputy President of the Institute of Strategic & International Studies and a Professor in the School of International Studies at Peking University. He specializes in East Asian regional security, power relations and maritime security in the Asia-Pacific, and North Korea’s nuclear proliferation issue. He is the editor (with G. John Ikenbery and Wang Jisi) of China, and the Struggle for World Order: Ideas, Traditions, Historical Legacies, and Global Visions (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

John Owen headshot

John M. Owen IV

John Owen is a Miller Center faculty senior fellow and the Ambassador Henry J. and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia. He is the author of Liberal Peace, Liberal War: American Politics and International Security and The Clash of Ideas in World Politics: Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change 1510-2010. A recipient of fellowships from Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton Universities, Owen is a member of the editorial board of International Security and a faculty fellow at the UVA Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture.

Todd Sechser headshot

Todd Sechser

Todd S. Sechser is the Pamela Feinour Edmonds and Franklin S. Edmonds Jr. Discovery Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia. He is also a professor of public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and a faculty senior fellow at the Miller Center. He is coauthor of the book Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy (Cambridge University Press, 2017), and is the director of the Democratic Statecraft Lab, a project that aims to map the foundations of U.S. grand strategy for an era of great-power competition.

Jessica Chen Weiss

Jessica Chen Weiss

Jessica Chen Weiss is a political scientist and associate professor of government at Cornell University. She is also a Washington Post Monkey Cage blog editor and a non-resident senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She studies Chinese politics and foreign relations with an emphasis on nationalism and public opinion, focusing on the connection between domestic politics and international relations. Weiss's current research looks at how the Chinese Communist Party's reinvigorated authoritarianism and nationalist propaganda shapes its international behavior and domestic support.

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