About this recording ALBERT JACKSON January 4, 1964 Albert Jackson Elections Finance and Banking Media and the Press Politics Citation Number: 1183 MILLARD COPE'S DEATH; INQUIRY FROM MARGARET MAYER ABOUT LBJ'S PERSONAL FAMILY BUSINESS AND FINANCES; LBJ READS LETTER FROM MARGARET MAYER; BILL CLARK; 1964 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION; PRESS SUPPORT FOR LBJ IN TEXAS AND LOUISIANA; SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with ALBERT JACKSON, January 5, 1964 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with ALBERT JACKSON, January 5, 1964 Next Conversation with WALKER STONE, January 6, 1964 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with WALKER STONE, January 6, 1964 audio icon Conversation with ALFRED PETSCH, January 6, 1964 audio icon Conversation with MARIE FEHMER and LUCI BAINES JOHNSON, January 6, 1964 audio icon OFFICE CONVERSATION, January 6, 1964 audio icon Conversation with RUFUS YOUNGBLOOD, January 7, 1964 audio icon Conversation with RUFUS YOUNGBLOOD, January 7, 1964 audio icon Conversation with KERMIT GORDON, JACK VALENTI and OFFICE CONVERSATION, January 7, 1964 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 6, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JOHN MACY and WALTER JENKINS, January 6, 1964 audio icon Conversation with WHITNEY YOUNG, January 6, 1964 audio icon