About this recording KERMIT GORDON OFFICE CONVERSATION January 20, 1964 Kermit Gordon Office Conversation Citation Number: 1444 LBJ ASKS TELEPHONE OPERATOR TO PLACE CALL TO ALBERT THOMAS, THEN ASKS HER TO CALL KERMIT GORDON FIRST; LBJ ASKS GORDON ABOUT VA LOBBYING, ALBERT THOMAS ON CUTS IN VETERANS' NURSING HOME PROGRAM; GORDON REPORTS ON BILL, UNIDENTIFIED LOBBYIST Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with KERMIT GORDON and OFFICE CONVERSATION, January 21, 1964 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous MACHINE NOISE, January 21, 1964 Next MACHINE NOISE, January 22, 1964 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes MACHINE NOISE, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with YOLANDA BOOZER and UNIDENTIFIED MALE, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with JACK VALENTI and YOLANDA BOOZER audio icon Conversation with YOLANDA BOOZER and OFFICE CONVERSATION audio icon Conversation with RICHARD RUSSELL, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with YOLANDA BOOZER and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with (possibly) RALPH DUNGAN, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with OFFICE SECRETARY and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, January 22, 1964 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 22, 1964 audio icon Conversation with THOMAS MANN, January 22, 1964 audio icon