H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman's location
-Meeting with the President
Meeting summaries
-President’s recent meeting with [Hussein, King of Jordan] Hussein ibn Talal
-Henry A. Kissinger
-Standard practice
-President’s recent meeting with Edward R. G. Heath
-State Department
Nominations [Jack O. Horton and John H. Kyl]
The President’s schedule
-John D. Ehrlichman’s conversation with President [?]
-Meeting with George P. Shultz
-Tax policy
-Ehrlichman’s schedule
-John T. Dunlop
-Swearing-in ceremony
-Oval office
-Number of people
-Byron R. (“Wizzer”) White
-George E. MacKinnon
-John A. Scali
-Donald H. Rumsfeld
-Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger
-William E. Timmons
-Rose Mary Woods
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth
-Meeting with Shultz and Ehrlichman
-White House staff
-James Roy Goodearle
-Compared to previous “open door hours”
-Noble Mellencamp
-State Department
-Meeting with President