About this recording BILL MOYERS LADY BIRD JOHNSON March 31, 1968 Bill Moyers Lady Bird "née Claudia Alta Taylor" Johnson Elections Politics Citation Number: 12855 MOYERS TELLS LBJ, LADY BIRD JOHNSON THAT HE HOPES LBJ WILL CHANGE HIS MIND ABOUT NOT SEEKING RE-ELECTION; LBJ SAYS HIS MIND HAS BEEN MADE UP FOR AWHILE AND DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE; MOYERS SAYS HE MAY WRITE A BOOK ABOUT LBJ SOMEDAY Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with BILL MOYERS and LADY BIRD JOHNSON, April 1, 1968 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, April 1, 1968 Next Conversation with GEORGE MEANY, April 2, 1968 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with GEORGE MEANY, April 2, 1968 Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD and CLARK CLIFFORD, April 2, 1968 audio icon Conversation with WILLIAM KNOWLAND, April 3, 1968 audio icon Conversation with RICHARD DALEY, April 3, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CLARK CLIFFORD, April 3, 1968 audio icon Conversation with IVAN ALLEN and LADY BIRD JOHNSON, April 5, 1968 audio icon Conversation with BUFORD ELLINGTON, April 5, 1968 Conversation with RICHARD DALEY, April 6, 1968 audio icon Conversation with CYRUS VANCE, April 6, 1968 audio icon Conversation with JOHN STENNIS, April 6, 1968 audio icon