About this recording JOHN PASTORE OFFICE SECRETARY April 20, 1966 Office Secretary John O. Pastore Congress Human Rights and Civil Rights Citation Number: 10043 PASTORE REPORTS ON MARKUP ON UNNAMED BILL (RENT SUPPLEMENTS APPROPRIATION?) IN SENATE COMMITTEE; DISCUSSION OF TIMING OF COMMITTEE VOTE WITH LBJ'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS (ON CIVIL RIGHTS BILL?) AND SUBSEQUENT HEARING BEFORE EMANUEL CELLER'S COMMITTEE Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with JOHN PASTORE and OFFICE SECRETARY, April 20, 1966 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with LADY BIRD JOHNSON and JAKE JACOBSEN, April 20, 1966 Next Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, April 21, 1966 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, April 21, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ARTHUR GOLDBERG, OFFICE NOISE and OFFICE SECRETARY, April 22, 1966 audio icon Conversation with GEORGE BALL and DEAN RUSK, April 23, 1966 audio icon Conversation with EVERETT DIRKSEN, April 25, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA, April 26, 1966 audio icon Conversation with WILBUR MILLS, April 27, 1966 audio icon Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, April 27, 1966 audio icon Conversation with WILBUR MILLS and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 27, 1966 audio icon Conversation with MIKE MANSFIELD, April 28, 1966 audio icon Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE audio icon