Secret White House Tapes

Meetings: Tape 119/A55. Meeting on Berlin, 5 November 1963

About this recording

Meetings: Tape 119/A55. Meeting on Berlin, 5 November 1963
Sound recording of a meeting about Berlin, Germany, held on November 5, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John McCone, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union Llewellyn Thompson, and President Kennedy’s Personal Representative in Berlin General Lucius Clay. Topics of discussion include the stopping of a United States convoy in Berlin, a review of the situation, speculation on its significance, alternative courses of action, press guidance, the Soviet Union’s November celebration, diplomatic representation, the use of small force, Soviet ship movements, and possible Allied action. They also discuss the Ambassadorial Group, Soviet press coverage, and a possible conversation with the Canadian foreign minister. There is further discussion of the possible situation that may arise in Berlin and the possible U.S. response and contingency plans. One segment of the recording totaling 1 minute has been removed in accordance with Section 3.4 (b) (1), (3) of Executive Order 13526. This sound recording has been excerpted from Tape 119/A55, which contains additional sound recording(s) preceding and following this one. See Related Records to access Tape 119/A55 in its entirety.
Secret White House Tapes |

Meetings: Tape 119/A55. Meeting on Berlin, 5 November 1963

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