World War I

World War I


Modern History Sourcebook

This collection of primary sources, housed by Fordham University, chronicles the onslaught of World War I through the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and Treaty of Versailles.

World War I Document Archive

This digital archive holds documents and images from the WWI era (1890-1920). Maintained by the World War I Military History Discussion Group, the site includes conventions and treaties, official documents searchable by country, documents searchable by year, personal diaries, an image archive, links to other useful sites, biographical information on key actors, and special collections on the maritime war and the medical front.

Sow the Seeds of Victory! Posters from the Food Administration During World War I

During times of war and combat, Americans find their government taking on different and more numerous roles than during peacetime. This collection, archived and administrated by the National Archives, focuses on posters produced by the Food Administration during the WWI era. The collection is useful in exploring one particular way in which Wilson administration attempted to influence the daily habits and activities of Americans.

Library of Congress American Memory Collections: America's Leaders Speak

This collection, kept by the Library of Congress, consists of fifty-nine audio recordings of speeches by American leaders from 1918-1920. The speeches focus on WWI and the election of 1920. Speakers include: Warren G. Harding, James Cox, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Samuel Gompers, Henry Cabot Lodge, and John J. Pershing.