Events / Upcoming Events

Collage of prominent guests to Miller Center events: President Clinton, Karl Rove, Madeleine Albright

Nationally renowned speakers

Politicians, journalists, and government officials frequently participate in Miller Center panel discussions

Hero crowd 7

Probing questions

UVA students are enthusiastic participants in Miller Center events throughout the year

Protest for change, woman holding a sign

Robust debate, without fear or favor

Miller Center speakers address the nation's most pressing problems—sometimes eliciting protests

Upcoming or Past

More events will be scheduled soon. Please check back.

June 09, 2008 01:45 PM

June 09, 2008 12:00 PM

Group Reports
  • Darryl Greer

June 09, 2008 10:30 AM

Seeking Solutions
  • Group Sessions

June 09, 2008 09:15 AM

Building Board Capacity to Address Key Challenges
  • Andrea Loughry

  • Paul Lingenfelter

  • Rick Legon

  • Susan Cole

June 09, 2008 06:45 AM

Addressing the Public Agenda
  • Gordon Davies

  • Reggie Robinson

  • Peter Blake

June 09, 2008 05:15 AM

Higher Education Governance Broadly Defined and Examined
  • Gordon Davies

  • James Duderstadt

  • David Breneman

June 09, 2008 04:30 AM

June 06, 2008 09:15 AM

The Politics of Troop Withdrawal: The Case of Iraq--A Roundtable
  • George Gilliam

  • Robert Kaiser

  • Bernard Kalb

  • Steven Lee Myers

June 06, 2008 06:45 AM

The Politics of Troop Withdrawal: Reasoning From Analogy: Using History to Get Out of War
  • Professor Brian Balogh

  • Brig. Gen. Charles F. Brower

  • Jeffrey Record

June 05, 2008 11:30 AM

June 05, 2008 09:45 AM

The Politics of Troop Withdrawal: The Constitutional Struggle: Executive-Legislative Issues
  • Joseph Fry

  • Russell Riley

  • Randall Bennett Woods

  • Julian E. Zelizer

June 05, 2008 08:15 AM

June 05, 2008 06:45 AM

June 05, 2008 05:15 AM

The Politics of Troop Withdrawal: Keynote Address
  • George Herring

  • Bob McMahon

  • Sidney M. Milkis

June 05, 2008 05:00 AM

The Politics of Troop Withdrawal: Opening Remarks
  • Gerald L Baliles

  • Marc Selverstone

May 19, 2008 07:00 AM

May 15, 2008 07:00 AM

May 12, 2008 07:00 AM

May 09, 2008 09:15 AM

Race, Ideology and Justice Panel - 1:15-2:45 PM
  • Kwame Appiah

  • Lawrie Balfour

  • Jefferson Decker

  • Daniel Ernst

  • Risa Goluboff

  • Christopher Lebron

May 09, 2008 05:15 AM

Manuscript Review - Reputation and Power: Organizational Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation at the
  • Dan Carpenter

  • Eric M. Patashnik

  • Harry Marks

  • Paul Quirk

  • Robert Temple

May 08, 2008 09:30 AM

The Power of States in a Federal System Panel - 1:30-3:00 PM
  • Saladin Ambar

  • Cathie Jo Martin

  • Sidney M. Milkis

  • Jesse Rhodes

  • Vesla Weaver

May 08, 2008 07:00 AM

Business and Social Policy Panel - 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
  • Lawrence Brown

  • Bernie Carlson

  • Dan Carpenter

  • Nicole Kazee

  • Dominique Tobbell

May 08, 2008 05:30 AM

Foreign Policy History Panel - 9:30-11:00 AM
  • Tony Judt

  • Robert McMahon

  • Mike Morgan

  • Robert Rakove

  • Marc Selverstone

  • Prof. Paul B. Stephan

May 07, 2008 07:00 AM

May 05, 2008 07:00 AM

April 25, 2008 06:30 AM

The Practice and Future of Polling
  • Paul Freedman

  • Benjamin Ginsberg

  • Donald Kinder

  • Mark Blumenthal

  • Sarah Igo

April 25, 2008 05:00 AM

The Promise and Perils of Polling
  • Lynn Sanders

  • Benjamin Ginsberg

  • Donald Kinder

  • Mark Blumenthal

  • Sarah Igo

April 21, 2008 07:00 AM

April 18, 2008 01:30 PM