Mark Katz

Mark Katz

In-house humor speechwriter of the Clinton White House

Mark Katz

For the eight years of the Clinton presidency, Mark Katz had a job the founding fathers could not have fathomed: the White House in-house humor speechwriter. Working directly with the president and his communications team, Mark helped prepare the president for his annual remarks to the Gridiron, Alfalfa and White House Correspondents Association dinners, more than two dozen speeches in all.  Today Mark continues to work with CEO’s and their companies to create high-stakes presentations to critical audiences.  He is the founder/principal of the Soundbite Institute, a self-styled creative think tank for speechwriting and creative content projects whose clients include leading media, finance, hospitality companies and non-profit organizations.  A failed sitcom writer, recovering copywriter and New York Times worst-selling author, he is also a storyteller who frequently takes to the stage of The Moth and other storytelling forums.