
Classical Lessons of Leadership: The Case for National Public Service

American Forum

Classical Lessons of Leadership: The Case for National Public Service

Josiah Bunting, III

Friday, November 18, 2011
6:00AM - 7:00AM (EST)
Event Details

JOSIAH (“Si”) BUNTING III is president of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. He is a 1963 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute and studied military history at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and at Columbia University as a John Burgess Fellow. Following active duty in the army, where he attained the rank of Major while serving in Vietnam, he taught history at West Point. Bunting has served as president of Briarcliff College, president of Hampden-Sydney College, headmaster of The Lawrenceville School, and Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, where he was responsible for the enrollment of VMI’s first female cadets. Bunting is a member of the UNESCO Commission and of the National Council of the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has written four novels and is working on a biography of George C. Marshall. Bunting’s talk will focus on the importance of public service.


Friday, November 18, 2011
6:00AM - 7:00AM (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Josiah Bunting, III