
Drowning in the Bathtub: The American Anti-Tax Movement and its Effect on State Cigarette Taxes

Drowning in the Bathtub: The American Anti-Tax Movement and its Effect on State Cigarette Taxes

Nicole Kazee

Friday, February 26, 2010
7:30AM - 9:00AM (EST)
Event Details

Former Miller Center Fellow Nicole Kazee has a joint appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois, Chicago.Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of American politics and policymaking. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University. She has also received fellowships from PEO International, Demos and the Brookings Institution. Her dissertation,"Wal-Mart Welfare: Business, Fiscal Regime, and the Politics of State Health Policymaking"highlighted the importance of institutional rules, fiscal norms, and the political role of employers.

Friday, February 26, 2010
7:30AM - 9:00AM (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Image of Nicole Kazee

Nicole Kazee