
The European Refugee Crisis: Consequences and Solutions

Great Issues

The European Refugee Crisis: Consequences and Solutions

David Martin, Charles Benjamin, Hannah Winnick, Victoria Rietig, Fern Hauck

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
11:00AM - 12:45PM (EDT)
Event Details

This event will take place in New Cabell Hall 236 on UVA central grounds. This panel is part of the interdisciplinary “Flight and Refuge: The European Crisis in Global Perspective” conference at UVA and will be moderated by Will Hitchcock.

David Martin is the Warner-Booker Distinguished Professor International Law at UVA. He has helped shape immigration and refugee policy while serving in several key U.S. government posts, including as principal deputy general counsel of the Department of Homeland Security from 2009-2010.

Charles Benjamin is the president of the Near East Foundation. He has over twenty-five years of experience in international development, with extensive experience in community development and natural resources management though the Middle East and Africa. 

Hannah Winnick is the program director for Transatlantic Dialogues on Democracy and Social Policy at the Heinrich Boell Foundation North America. The program aims to enhance transatlantic policy exchange on responsible policies for the humane and dignified treatment of migrants and refugees.

Victoria Rietig is a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, where she works for the Regional Migration Study Group and the Transatlantic Council on Migration. She is also a Nonresident Fellow with Migration Policy Institute Europe.

Fern Hauck is associate professor of family medicine and public health services at the UVA School of Medicine. She started the International Family Medicine Clinic in 2002, which serves the refugee population of Charlottesville.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
11:00AM - 12:45PM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

David Martin

Charles Benjamin

Hannah Winnick

Victoria Rietig

Fern Hauck