
The Global Immigration Crisis

American Forum

The Global Immigration Crisis

Werner Fornos

Sunday, August 15, 1993
{8:00PM} (EDT)
Event Details
Werner Fornos, a professor from George Washington University, gives a lecture on immigration. He first describes the global trends of rapid population increase in predominantly poor countries. Fornos then segues into his discussion of immigration by arguing that these societies for several reasons are causing their populations to migrate, both internally and internationally. He suggests several methods to control the flow of immigrants including better education, providing women with employment, better healthcare, and better family planning programs all at a global level. He closes by stressing that America must take action to deal with the growing problem of immigration. During the questioning session he addresses, various family planning strategies, China?s one-child policy, the Catholic Church?s role in population, politician?s role in population control, AIDS effect on population and immigration, and the UN?s role in population control.
Sunday, August 15, 1993
{8:00PM} (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Werner Fornos