
The Man in the Hood: New Accounts of Prisoner Abuse in Iraq

American Forum

The Man in the Hood: New Accounts of Prisoner Abuse in Iraq

Donovan Webster

Thursday, January 20, 2005
{7:00PM} (EST)
Event Details
Donovan Webster, who has written for The New York Times Magazine and The New Yorker, has recently interviewed Iraq War detainees?including Haj Ali, a former Abu Ghraib prisoner who may be pictured in the ?Iraq war?s most iconic image: a hooded man standing on a box, his arms held away from his body in a posture of total, pure, miserable submission, electrical cables trailing from his fingertips.? In interviews with the man believed to be that victim and other Iraqis who claim they were brutalized since the Abu Ghraib scandal was reported by Seymour Hirsch one year ago, Donovan Webster examines ?a part of the War on Terror not yet to make the nightly news.? Webster?s article based on his recent interviews will appear in the February, 2005 Vanity Fair, which will be on newstands on January 12, 2005. His most recent book, The Burma Road: The Epic Story of the China-Burma-India Theater in World War II, was published in 2003 by Avalon.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
{7:00PM} (EST)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Donovan Webster