About this recording ROY WILKINS November 4, 1965 Roy Wilkins Human Rights and Civil Rights Media and the Press Citation Number: 9106 APPOINTMENT OF HUD SECRETARY; CONGRESSIONAL CONCERNS ABOUT ROBERT WEAVER BECAUSE OF WORK ON RENT SUPPLEMENTS BILL; LBJ'S DECISION TO DELAY MAKING APPOINTMENT; POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF LAURANCE ROCKEFELLER; EFFECT OF WEAVER APPOINTMENT ON NEGRO YOUTH Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with ROY WILKINS, November 4, 1965 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with ROY WILKINS, November 4, 1965 Next Conversation with JOHN POMFRET, UNIDENTIFIED MALE and BILL MOYERS, November 7, 1965 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with JOHN POMFRET, UNIDENTIFIED MALE and BILL MOYERS, November 7, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOHN POMFRET and BILL MOYERS, November 7, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOHN POMFRET, November 7, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOHN POMFRET and BILL MOYERS, November 7, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOSEPH CALIFANO and ROBERT MCNAMARA, November 8, 1965 audio icon Conversation with JOSEPH CALIFANO and ROBERT MCNAMARA, November 8, 1965 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, November 8, 1965 audio icon Conversation with LEONARD MARKS, November 8, 1965 audio icon Conversation with OFFICE SECRETARY and UNIDENTIFIED MALE, November 8, 1965 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, November 8, 1965 audio icon