About this recording B. K. NEHRU April 6, 1966 B. K. Nehru Asia Citation Number: 10020 LBJ TELLS NEHRU THAT SENATE HAS UNANIMOUSLY PASSED EMERGENCY FOOD AID BILL FOR INDIA; NEHRU TELLS LBJ THAT HE HAS INFORMED PRIME MINISTER INDIRA GANDHI OF PROGRESS ON BILL, THANKS LBJ FOR QUICK ACTION IN SENATE Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with B. K. NEHRU, April 6, 1966 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with RALPH YARBOROUGH, April 5, 1966 Next Conversation with HUBERT HUMPHREY, April 7, 1966 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with HUBERT HUMPHREY, April 7, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, April 7, 1966 audio icon Conversation with NICHOLAS KATZENBACH and OFFICE CONVERSATION, April 7, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, April 7, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, April 7, 1966 audio icon Conversation with UNIDENTIFIED MALE audio icon Conversation with ROBERT MCNAMARA, April 7, 1966 audio icon Conversation with JIMMIE DELLINGER, April 9, 1966 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, April 9, 1966 audio icon Conversation with ROBERT KLEBERG and OFFICE NOISE, April 9, 1966 audio icon