About this recording JOHN MCCORMACK OFFICE CONVERSATION January 7, 1967 Office Conversation John W. McCormack Congress Citation Number: 11320 LBJ READS PROPOSED ANNOUNCEMENT OF INVITATION FROM MCCORMACK TO LBJ TO ADDRESS CONGRESS ON STATE OF THE UNION AND LBJ'S ACCEPTANCE OF IT; LBJ SAYS WH WILL NOTIFY SENATE LEADERS IF MCCORMACK WILL NOTIFY HOUSE LEADERS Secret White House Tapes | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Conversation with JOHN MCCORMACK and OFFICE CONVERSATION, January 7, 1967 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous Conversation with FRANK STANTON, January 7, 1967 Next Conversation with ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, January 9, 1967 More Lyndon B. Johnson Recordings View all Lyndon B. Johnson tapes Conversation with ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, January 9, 1967 audio icon Conversation with YOLANDA BOOZER, January 9, 1967 audio icon Conversation with MAXWELL TAYLOR, January 9, 1967 audio icon Conversation with WILLIAM MCC. MARTIN, January 10, 1967 audio icon Conversation with CARL ALBERT, GERALD FORD and HALE BOGGS, January 10, 1967 audio icon MACHINE NOISE, January 11, 1967 audio icon Conversation with MARY SLATER, January 11, 1967 audio icon Conversation with HENRY FOWLER, January 11, 1967 audio icon Conversation with ABE FORTAS, MARY SLATER and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, January 11, 1967 audio icon Conversation with OFFICE SECRETARY, January 11, 1967 audio icon