About this recording 7–112 President Richard M. Nixon John B. Connally August 12, 1971 John B. Connally Richard M. Nixon Congress Domestic Affairs Taxation Conversation No. 7-112 Date: August 12, 1971 Time: 12:01 pm - 12:12 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with John B. Connally. [See Conversation No. 562-2B] Connally's schedule The President's schedule -Meeting with Connally -Meeting with Paul A. Volcker Gold market -Developments -Timing 69 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -International moves -Domestic moves -Actions -Leak -Domestic front -International front -Negotiating position -Wage-price freeze Conv. No. 7-112 (cont.) -Investment tax credit -Wage-price freeze -The President's talk with George P. Shultz -Congress -Import tax -Shultz -Edward M. (“Ted”) Kennedy -Raw materials -Administrative compared with Congressional action -Congress -Budget revision -Investment tax credit -Acceleration of personal income -International monetary meeting -Negotiations -Psychological effects -Closing gold window and floating dollar -Panic -Domestic -Wage-price freeze -Import tax -International effects -Announcement timing -Connally -Gold window -President -Congress -Tax measures -Actions -International front -Domestic front -Shultz -Positive action 70 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Timing -Arthur F. Burns -International bankers -Import tax Connally's schedule Conv. No. 7-112 (cont.) Secret White House Tapes | Richard M. Nixon Presidency 7–112 00:00 00:00 00:00 Backward Play Stop Forward Download audio Previous 7–99 Next 69–1 More Richard M. Nixon Recordings View all Richard M. Nixon tapes 69–1 audio icon 563–1 audio icon 563–10 audio icon 563–11 audio icon 7–113 audio icon 7–114 audio icon 7–115 audio icon 7–116 audio icon 563–12 audio icon 563–13 audio icon