The President's meeting with International Red Cross
-Marcel Naville
-Naville's message to the President
-Clark MacGregor
-Translation from French
-Behavior of American soldiers
-North Vietnamese
-Naville's possible action
-State Department
-North Vietnamese
-Single standard
-U Thant
-Attitude Towards US
-President's position
-Union of Soviet Republics [USSR]
-People's Republic of China [PRC]
-North Vietnamese
-East Germany
-Possible North Vietnamese message to Naville
-Kissinger's conversation with Naville
-US soldiers
American people
-Leadership group
The President’s schedule
-The President's meeting with Republican legislative Congress leaders
The President's previous meeting with International Red Cross
-Prosecution of offenses
-North Vietnam
-US treatment of POWs
-South Vietnamese treatment of POWs
-US policy
-William H. Sullivan
-Congressional hearings
-US position
-US defenses
-Public opinion
-Leonid I. Brezhnev
-US elections
-President's PRC initiative
-US position
-Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT]
-Middle East
-Willy Brandt
The President's meeting with International Red Cross officials
-The President's position
-Naville's request regarding Vietnam
-US position
-U Thant
-New York Times
U.S. posture in the world
Tape Subject Log
(rev. 9/08)
-John F. Kennedy
-Lyndon B. Johnson
Opponents of the President's policies
-Supersonic Transport [SST]
-Antiballistic Missile [ABM]
-Defense appropriations
-View of US world role Conv. No. 483-13 (cont.)
-Military-industrial complex
-World war
-Nuclear danger
-Future of America
-Turn towards the right
-George C. Wallace, Ronald W. Reagan
-Administration policies
-PRC initiative