Forthcoming press conference
-Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, John D. Ehrlichman
-George H. Mahon
-Congressional recess
-Teenage employment
-Timing of comments
Office press conference
-News reports
-Wage and price board
-Associated Press [AP]
-Arthur F. Burns
-Press reaction
-Herbert E. Kaplow
-Compared to televised press conferences
-Control of questions
-Helen Thomas
-Press reaction
-Clifford Evans
-Appreciation for press conference
-Charles W. Bailey, II
-Africa trip
-Jude Walinsky [sp?]
-Use of television
-Oval Office setting
-Public speaking
-Press expectations
-People’s Republic of China [PRC] announcement
Alexander P. Butterfield entered at an unknown time after 1:43 pm.