
Poland's Revolution in Comparative Context

American Forum

Poland's Revolution in Comparative Context

Arista Maria Cirtautas

Tuesday, July 27, 1999
8:00PM (EDT)
Event Details

Arista M. Cirtautas, a professor from the University of Virginia gives a lecture on Poland?s 1989 revolution. In particular Dr. Cirtautas addresses Poland?s revolution in comparison its east European neighbors. Initially she outlines the economic, political and social successes in Poland since 1989. She continues to describe the favorable political evolution of the Polish government in both domestic and international respects. Dr. Cirtautas does, however, address problematic areas of Polish political development such as economic nationalism, sluggish privatization, disproportionate development in the successful south-western Poland and the backward north-eastern Poland, ?nativeist? trends popular with economic losers, cronyism in the higher offices of the government, de-communization witch hunts, and secularism. She deduces, however, that the successes of Poland far out way the problems and shortcomings. Next she address where the roots of this relative success can be found. Professor Cirtautas identifies the Polish Solidarity movement as the paramount factor in post-war success. She explains that the language, methods, and leadership used in the Solidarity movement was akin to both the French and American revolutions. More important to post-communist Polish development, she claims that Solidarity provides a frame of reference or a prism through which citizens can evaluate the current government. Furthermore, Solidarity has given Poles training in non-traditional political expression and participation. During the questioning session issues of organized crime, EU integration, and the political culture of Poland are discussed.

Tuesday, July 27, 1999
8:00PM (EDT)
The Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Arista Maria Cirtautas